Landing Page Testing Plan Timeline

13. Landing Page Testing Plan Timeline

Landing Page Testing Plan Timeline

When it comes to increasing the conversion rate for our clients, we’re often focused on implementing impactful changes to the layout, copy, and images used throughout various landing pages to help increase our number of conversions.

For our process, it’s important to isolate as many variables as possible throughout testing so that we’re able to definitively say what improved (or negatively impacted) results. Not all CRO landing page tests go as planned, but with our testing methodology, we can always go back to the previous version of the landing page and start again with a new variable to test.

That’s why we structure our tests bracket-style using this spreadsheet. We’ll have two almost identical campaigns running in our paid channels, but with the ads pointing to two different landing pages. We’ll take the winner, and pit it against the next iteration of the landing page, keeping all the data organized in this spreadsheet.

See our other Spreadsheets

12. Facebook Ad Creative Analysis Spreadsheet

We’re a revenue and conversion-first agency. But great creative—from ads to emails to landing pages and beyond—is a critical part of the equation.

1. Growth Marketing Framework

Use for: Prioritizing and tracking your growth marketing experiments

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