Amplify search results with a reliable Google Ads agency

Simply getting impressions and clicks doesn’t cut it. We focus on data and results-driven search campaigns to really make an impact. No fluff. Ever.

Tuff is your Google Ads agency.

Grow your business and boost your results with our Google Ads agency team handling your campaign strategy and execution. With over 8 years of experience, we’ve managed search campaigns for businesses of all sizes and budgets, covering competitor, branded, non-branded, Alpha Beta & Smart Broad, international, experimental, and various other campaigns types.

Before Tuff

Accounts are unorganized, things slip, limited communication, all reports, and no action, it’s tough to see where things stand, and people are stressed.

After Tuff

Everything is organized in one place, daily communication, focused Google Ads strategy and execution, results delivered, progress is clear, and a sense of trust sets in.

GOOGLE ADS testimonial

Startups, Scaleups, and Beyond

thnks logoicon

“The team at Tuff knows their stuff – and it’s precisely why they are not selling ‘magic’ or any kind of ‘mysterious sauce.’ Instead, they are betting on transparency and experimentation, and it seems to be working well: The agency was warmly recommended to TechCrunch multiple times via our growth marketing survey.”

Brad Veach
VP of Marketing at Thnks

Our process

Here’s how we operate

Our Google Ads team will need access to your account for an audit. This audit takes about a week, and we’ll provide you with a detailed report. Afterward, we’ll schedule a session to walk you through our findings and recommendations.

Step 1: Begin Account Audit

Let’s dive into your Google Ads account with a full audit. We’ll analyze everything, provide a detailed report, and discuss our findings and recommendations in a dedicated session.

Step 2: Define the Strategy

Based on our audit, we’ll propose a transparent, flat-rate plan for a focused 3-month project. Expect comprehensive improvements aimed at increasing traffic, impressions, and conversions.

Step 3: Implement and Scale

Once agreed, we’ll implement the strategic improvements collaboratively. Our services, starting at $5,000/month, are designed to scale and adapt to your growing business needs.

Want to see a sample Google Ads audit?

If you’re interested in getting a Google Ads audit from Tuff but want more information before reaching out, you can check out a sample of a recent audit to see what’s included and what to expect.

Just enter your email below, and we’ll send you a sample Google Ads audit.

Don’t worry, we won’t spam your inbox with sales attempts or drip campaigns. If you like what you see, feel free to reach out to us, and we can start an audit specifically for you.

How we work together

We’ve witnessed too many accounts just cruising on autopilot, wasting money on irrelevant terms that don’t really make a difference to the business. That’s why we’ve taken a different approach. When you partner with Tuff, here’s what you can count on:

Expert Talent

Our performance media managers have an average of 10 years of experience – we’re experts at running Google ads.

Real-Time Reporting

With Looker, we create a dashboard to keep you updated on how your Google Ads campaigns are performing, so you’re always in the know.

Direct Access via Slack

You’ll get direct access to us on Slack, plus we’ll have bi-weekly meetings and monthly retrospectives, making us feel like an extension of your team.

We’ve got the right tricks, tools, and tactics.

Keyword research

Competitor research

Automated bid strategies

Granular & broad retargeting

Ad copy development

Budget pacing

Search term reporting

Quality score improvements

GTM setup

New beta releases

GA4 integration

Youtube ads campaign management

Conversion tracking

A/B testing

Shopping feed optimizations

Display campaign management




Our starting fee is $3,500 per month, but our contracts can vary depending on your account’s complexity and budget size. We specialize in helping early-stage startups and small businesses with Google Ads.

Our approach is tailored for teams looking to test and improve their ads, efficiently scale their campaigns, and ensure they’re getting the most out of their budget. Compared to hiring an in-house team, our full-stack ad services are significantly more affordable, and we provide more support than working with a freelancer.

As a growth marketing agency, we partner with businesses to drive and accelerate their growth through a combination of marketing strategies and tactics. Here’s how our typical process works with clients:

  • Initial Assessment: The process often begins with an in-depth assessment of your current marketing efforts, goals, and challenges. We work closely with you to understand your business, target audience, competitive landscape, and growth objectives.
  • Strategy Development: Based on the assessment, our team will formulate a comprehensive growth marketing strategy. This strategy outlines the overarching plan to achieve your goals, including specific tactics, channels, and timelines. The strategy may encompass various growth focuses, including content marketing, SEO, email marketing, paid media, and performance creative.
  • Implementation: With the strategy in place, we start executing the plan and prioritized list of activities. This can involve creating and optimizing paid campaigns, producing high-quality content, conducting SEO audits, and managing website initiatives, among other tactics. We often utilize a mix of owned, earned, and paid media to reach the target audience.
  • Data Analytics and Tracking: A crucial aspect of growth marketing is data analysis and tracking. We plug into a number of different analytics tools to monitor the performance of marketing campaigns in real-time. This includes tracking website traffic, conversion rates, user engagement, revenue, and more. Data-driven insights help us make informed decisions and optimize campaigns for better results.
  • Continuous Optimization: At Tuff, we often say “growth is a process not an outcome” because it’s truly an iterative process. Our experts will continuously analyze the data and growth marketing metrics to identify areas for improvement. We adjust strategies, refine tactics, and optimize campaigns to maximize ROI and achieve your growth goals. This may involve A/B testing, conversion rate optimization, and other techniques.
  • Scaling: As successful strategies are identified and refined, we focus on scaling up the most effective campaigns and killing anything that isn’t working. This might involve increasing advertising budgets, expanding content production, or targeting new market segments to drive further growth.
  • Reporting and Communication: In addition to integrated Slack channels and weekly meetings, we provide regular reporting and updates on campaign performance, allowing you to track progress and understand the return on their marketing investment. We also work together on monthly recaps and quarterly planning sessions.
  • Simply speaking, as a growth marketing agency, we’re a strategic partner that leverages a combination of expertise, data analysis, and ongoing optimization to help businesses expand their reach, acquire new customers, and increase revenue. Our focus is on achieving measurable, sustainable growth for their clients.

We’re experts at a variety of growth marketing capabilities. We partner with clients to set the roadmap and then get to work experimenting with a variety of different tactics based on their goals.

Our list of tactics includes but is most certainly not limited to:

  • Paid Media
  • Video Marketing
  • Creative Testing
  • Performance Creative
  • Data & Analytics
  • SEO
  • Content Marketing
  • Conversion Rate Optimization

Many growth marketing agencies typically price from a percentage of the ad spend they manage or a share of the revenue generated by their strategies. Both of these approaches are entirely valid. However, we’ve intentionally designed our pricing model differently: We utilize flat-fee retainers that are determined by the number of services, hours, and team we incorporate simultaneously.

Why did we choose this approach? Growth marketing is inherently unpredictable. Occasionally, even the most skilled growth marketers can anticipate that a combination of PPC, SEO content, and social advertising is the winning formula. Nevertheless, if one of these components fails to meet expectations, it’s not an indication of failure but rather a signal that it’s time to explore new avenues. Our process at Tuff is structured in a way that enables us to seamlessly introduce new services or team members, such as CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) or creative development, without disruption until we discover the perfect mix for your needs.

Ready to grow?

Let’s chat briefly and get the ball rolling on the audit.

© 2024 Tuff | We're a division of Goodway Group!