Facebook Ad Creative Analysis Spreadsheet

12. Facebook Ad Creative Analysis Spreadsheet

Facebook Ad Creative Analysis Spreadsheet

We’re a revenue and conversion-first agency. But great creative—from ads to emails to landing pages and beyond—is a critical part of the equation.

Because we want to really dig into understanding what ad creative is performing the best, our team uses this spreadsheet to pull the core performance metrics for our paid campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. This helps us, and our clients, understand what’s working, what’s not working, and how we want to test moving forward.

We left the data in this spreadsheet so that you could see what the final output looks like. If you’re interested in using this spreadsheet to better understand how your Facebook creative is performing, download this and make a copy.

See our other Spreadsheets

11. Value Props Exercise

While it’s incredibly important to make sure you’re set up for success with budgets, projections, goals, and reporting, it all falls flat without putting in the legwork to really dig in and create smart, compelling value props.

13. Landing Page Testing Plan Timeline

When it comes to increasing the conversion rate for our clients, we’re often focused on implementing impactful changes to the layout, copy, and images used throughout various landing pages to help increase our number of conversions.

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