Email User Onboarding Flow

8. Email User Onboarding Flow 

Use for: Building and visualizing your welcome email flow

Email User Onboarding Flow

Use for: Building and visualizing your welcome email flow

Installs, sign ups, and demos mean nothing if you can’t keep your users — which makes your onboarding email campaign incredibly important.

We use this template to outline our Email user flow from start to finish. For a successful strategy, it helps us:

  • Set a goal for each email in the series
  • Set timing for each email
  • See the entire flow at once

From here, you can start thinking about copy, CTAs, and design for each email, benchmark performance, and start testing. This structure has helped us get higher retention rates and increase revenue.

Bonus Template: If you don’t have an onboarding flow for new customers or leads, this email marketing planning template from Hubspot is handy for planning marketing and transactional emails.

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